Saturday, April 11, 2009

Living for Love

You will find as you look
back upon your life
what the moments when
you have really lived, 
are the moments when
you have done things
in a spirit of love.

Henry Drummond

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lovely Locks for Love

My oldest daughter continues to amaze. 

Over a year ago a friend of ours was growing his hair really long.  Emma asked him "why?" because guys just don't grow their hair that long.  Or, at least, not the guys in her small social circle.  Our friend told Emma that he was growing his hair to be ten inches long so that he could donate it to Locks for Love.  She was intrigued that someone would take his hair, make a wig and that wig would go to someone who was sick and had no hair.

Now Emma has beautiful, thick, blond hair.  And she wanted to grow it long.  Really long, so that SHE could also donate her hair.  She didn't want to have to shave her head as our friend had, so she needed her hair to be much longer then ten inches.  And so it grew, and grew, and grew!  And was a complete pain to wash and brush.  

Emma didn't want to cut it during the winter, because it's cold out. Duh!  So she would wait for spring.  She thought Easter would be the perfect time.  A sacrifice, just as Jesus made his ultimate sacrifice for us.

But then spring break is just around the corner.  We will soon be off to Florida to visit Gramma and Grampa to swim and play in the pool and at the beach.  Needless to say the thought of long, thick, wet, sandy hair was not high on the list.  So, we made a date to cut it off.  All ten inches of it. 

First few snips.

The raw cut.

Final, very trendy, haircut with her braid to be sent away.

Emma did a wonderful job of preparing for this day.  She was SO calm and cool about getting her haircut, and then she looked in the mirror after it was all done and screamed like a teenager.  So much for calm and cool, be she still amazes me.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Hank the Tank!

Our darling son has decided to thrill us with his desire to walk.  Yes, Hank is ready to walk.  He has yet to master the art completely, as his few steps generally end in a lunge for whatever his end goal is.  But, boy is it fun to watch!  Enjoy!