Sunday, November 23, 2008

Goin' Green!

I used my clothe bags at the grocery store today.  Finally!
There are three in my car and I continually forget to bring them into the store with me.  Frustrating, especially since I really do want to "do my part" in reducing the use of plastic bags.  And, well, I bought them, for crying out loud!  So the fact that they sit in my trunk, untouched seems like such a waste.  I love using them, when I remember, they carry a ton of groceries, and it makes me feel good.

Baby steps.  That's what this is.  One good deed at a time.  One day at a time.  And if, when, everyone steps up and does their part, we all win.  

Now, what else can I do?  I'll have to ask Emma.  At seven years old, she's pretty savvy on how to save the world.  Pretty cool if you ask me.  And that we can do this (whatever project it may be) together, is even better.  I'll get back to you on what she comes up with.....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Five Simple Rules For Happiness:

1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

Whew.  If we could do all of the above, what a glorious world we would have!

Here is my challenge.  
Take one rule.  Any one.  Think about it, meditate if you will, pray about it and ponder the possibilities of making this a reality.  Try to see how this will help you create a better life.  Create your own happiness.

And then pick another rule.  And another one.  And another one.  And don't forget the last one.  Possibly the hardest rule to live by, especially if you put it off for so long.

Not an easy challenge.  It could easily take a lifetime to meet.  And would be well worth it.  Make it happen one rule at a time.  One day at a time.  Create your own happiness.

Finding Peace

As a follow up to my last post and finding ways to allow peace into your life:

Last weekend we had leaves to pick up.  Lots and lots of leaves.  Not a favorite chore for many, but one that needs to get done.  Over my many (seven) years of being a mom I have learned a few things along the way.  

1. Get the children to help  
2. Learn from them 
3. Take breaks

So the girls helped rake the leaves with their child size rakes from the flower beds and into small piles.  THEN they created the most outrageous leave house, ever.  A front entry, hallways, mud room, kitchen, sitting room and bedroom.  I got the complete tour and was amazed at their creativity.  Gramma taught the girls about leaf houses a couple years ago while visiting.  The fact that she could use the leaves and a rake to create walls and rooms intrigued the girls and they now do it every year.

The girls played in that house for a couple hours and were disheartened that it had to disappear (sucked up as it were).  So it goes, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching them play together, using their imaginations, outside on a gorgeous day, while a tedious chore got completed.
I found peace in this.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


it does not mean to be in a place 
where there is no noise, trouble 
or hard work.  it means to be in 
the midst of those things and still 
be calm in your heart.  

I came across this today and liked it.
We can't always get away from our daily tasks, but if we can learn to have the strength, endurance, and patience to make the most of each situation that comes our way then we will be better for it.  And have peace.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New Toys Rule!

It has been years since I've had a new bike.  Ten, to be exact.  Not that big a deal, unless you absolutely LOVE to go mountain biking and really use your bike to it's greatest potential.  Needless to say, it was time for a new bike.

Enter, man of my dreams.  Fortunately he is also my husband, father of our children, and my own personal bike and ski tech.  I married well.  This summer he determined that his work bonus would be dedicated to a new bike, for me!  Like I said, I married well.

So, on our anniversary we had the day to play and took a trip to Boulder for a mtn bike ride and to visit Walt.  Walt builds bicycles.  Walt builds really nice bicycles.  He measured me, asked a few questions and off we went.  Road the rest of the summer on my old bike and each ride seemed to be louder and creakier then before.  Funny how that happens.

A couple months later (because Walt likes to ride and play as much as the next cyclist) my hubbie comes home with the most gorgeous bike!  Or, as Walt termed it, "girlie".  It's true.  And I couldn't be happier.  I left ALL bike details up to hubbie.  

He did good, real good.  Thanks babe.