Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Finding Peace

As a follow up to my last post and finding ways to allow peace into your life:

Last weekend we had leaves to pick up.  Lots and lots of leaves.  Not a favorite chore for many, but one that needs to get done.  Over my many (seven) years of being a mom I have learned a few things along the way.  

1. Get the children to help  
2. Learn from them 
3. Take breaks

So the girls helped rake the leaves with their child size rakes from the flower beds and into small piles.  THEN they created the most outrageous leave house, ever.  A front entry, hallways, mud room, kitchen, sitting room and bedroom.  I got the complete tour and was amazed at their creativity.  Gramma taught the girls about leaf houses a couple years ago while visiting.  The fact that she could use the leaves and a rake to create walls and rooms intrigued the girls and they now do it every year.

The girls played in that house for a couple hours and were disheartened that it had to disappear (sucked up as it were).  So it goes, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching them play together, using their imaginations, outside on a gorgeous day, while a tedious chore got completed.
I found peace in this.

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